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White Papers &
Case For Support 

White Papers: A wise nonprofit expert one said, "you can raise a certain amount of money by appealing to people's hearts, but if you want to raise more than that, you have to appeal to their heads as well." 


Sophisticated foundations and donors want to know that a nonprofit's services and programs are based on proven approaches. It has been 30 years since researchers started using the term "evidence-based" practices. Today using evidence-based practices are a requirement of many government grants and the preference of many foundations.  The alternative is performance-based practices, meaning the nonprofit can show positive results for its program.  Either way, one tool for showing that a nonprofit's work is based on sound, proven theories is through well-researched white papers.


Case For Support Presentations: In the private sector, companies will produce a prospectus to show investors how they will receive a return for their money. In the nonprofit world, a case for support lets donors know they are making an investment in a valuable cause. A well written case of support signals to donors that the nonprofit is strategic, focused and sustainable.


It is also critical to the overall success of the organization because it allows the staff to answer all the tough questions before they hear them from funders.  Once it's done, a good case for support becomes the roadmap that the nonprofit can follow as it implements its initiative.


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